"It feels good in my hands, heavy, shaped. Small and black, tight. Like an airport-hotel room bible..." - Shathley Q, PopMatters
Tales of Woe by John Reed came out last week. The "airport-hotel room bible" description is spot-on. That's what it feels like, a hardbound testament to this world's twisted cruelty. I don't think there will ever be a more horrible collection of true life horror stories. Well, perhaps there will be one day - the sequel? - but it will never be this beautifully illustrated. Tales of Woe! Damn, it's finally here. Sometimes, I didn't think it would make it to the bookshelves,. I did these illustrations back in the spring/summer of 2008. There was a big delay in the printing because of the economy and because it didn't comply with Chinese decency law, so it had to be printed in Singapore.
"Sin, suffering, redemption.
That's the movie, the front page news, that's the story
of popular culture - of American culture.
A ray of hope. A comeuppance. An all-for-the-best.
That it'll all work out in the end, that people get what they deserve.
Sometimes people suffer for no reason.
No sin, no redemption.
Just suffering, suffering, suffering."
Here are the illustrations I created for the book. Glimpses of the horrors that await you... Head on down to Barnes & Noble or Borders,and pick up a copy to see the rest of 'em!
In fact all of the artists involved deserve a shout out! 8Pussy, Elisabeth Alba, Delia Gable, Chadwick Whitehead, Michele Witchipoo, Alex Warble, Ralph Neise, Sarah Oleksy, Walter Einenkel, Stephane Blanquet, myself, and Kiki Jones. Click on their names to visit their website.
I know all the artists, most of all the author John Reed, had a tough time bringing this book to you. Interestingly, the book was born out of a lunch-in with an editor who thought THIS was the idea that would get people's attention, that this was a book they'd want to print and put money behind. (Click here to read an interview with John.) Because pain and controversy sells and gets headlines. Because we love hearing scary tales around the campfire.
"Tales of Woe is nearly two hundred pages of strange and twisted tragedy without even the slightest inclination to serve up a single happy ending. It’s a sickening look at the horrors of real life from around the globe, and while I’m hesitant to recommend it, I have a feeling I pretty much just have." - Marc Patterson, Brutal As Hell
Check it out on Amazon.